When Tomorrow Comes

11 thoughts on “When Tomorrow Comes”

  1. “The present sets the tone for the future” no words can describe this better than you did. I hope you’re doing well currently.
    Great day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a wonderful post little sister. I so need this reminder. I too can have my sights set on tomorrow and can be awkward in social settings. So, yes, it’s definitely ripe enough for posting. Bless you Lade and thank you for sharing your mind and heart. ❤


    1. Hello Big sis- Good morning . How are you? Thanks for your comment. I have been having issues logging into my WordPress account. Thank God it’s finally resolved. I hope You and Yours have a Fun filled December💕


  3. Lots of wisdom in this post. The older I get I seem to think more of the past, it’s been a full one. I try to not dwell on the pats that bring tears or anger but they are stuck in there with the great memories. Tomorrow is coming even if I don’t think about. At 75 very little, actually I am not surprised anymore at the goodness of God, the evil that seeks to destroy and my reaction to both. You express your thoughts very well which causes the reader to want to reply to you. Blessings


    1. I am so delighted to read your words especially with your wealth of experience. I have read your comment over and over again. Our reaction to both the good and bad makes a difference in the quality of life we live. I pray you continually live in the consciousness of God’s faithfulness to you. Thank you for the compliment. ❤️


      1. Lade, and by the way, I like your name. I want you to know a young person who maybe has not had lots of experiences yet can be filled with wisdom. Proverbs and all the rest of the bible is full of wisdom and you do not have to wait till you are older to use it, just ask Him. When you don’t and make a wrong choice, ask forgiveness and get up and try again, that’s wisdom Jesus fell under His carrying the cross to Calvary but He did not stay down. We become more mature and we read His Word and apply it to our life. Thank you for your sweet comment. You made this old heart be glad I commented. Blessings.


      2. Awwwn I am glad you like my name – and I am going to take to all of your advise. Thank you so much Ma. God bless you ❤️


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